Corona virus changed the system of appointment and meeting, Now we have know how to deal when we go outside for visit dental care:-
What can patients do before arrival at a dental clinic?
- Minimise or eliminate wearing a wrist watch, hand and body jewellery and carrying of additional accessories bags etc.
- Use their own wash rooms at home to avoid the need of using toilets at the dental facility.
- Have a mouth wash rinse with 10 ml of the 0.5% solution of PVP-I solution (standard aqueous PVP-I antiseptic solution based mouthwash diluted 1:20 with water). Distribute throughout the oral cavity for 30 seconds and then gently gargle at the back of the throat for another 30 seconds before spitting out.
- Wear a facemask during transport and before entering the premises.
- Have the body temperature checked and use a sanitiser on the entrance.
- Patients consent and declaration to be obtained in a physical print out or electronic system.
- Maintain social distance.
Is dental Care working?
Many patients who are asymptomatic may be carriers. For this reason, it is suggested that all patients visiting a dental care must be treated with due precautions. Several guidelines have been followed-
- Dental Surgeons working in City/Small towns and different locations.
- In the RED ZONE, Emergency dental procedures can be performed.
- The dental clinics in ORANGE AND GREEN ZONE will function to provide dental consults.
- Dental operations should be restricted to Emergency and Urgent treatment procedures only.
Dental Clinic Ventilation and air quality management in stand-alone dental clinics-
- Maintain air circulation with natural air through a frequent opening of windows and using an independent exhaust blower to extract the room air into the atmosphere.
- Avoid the use of a ceiling fan while performing procedure
- Place a table fan behind the operator and let the airflow towards the patient.A strong exhaust fan to be so located to create a unidirectional flow of air away from the patient.
- The window air condition system/ split AC should be frequently serviced, and filters cleaned.
- Use of indoor portable air cleaning system equipped with HEPA filter and UV light may be used.
Clinic entrance, reception and waiting-
- Display visual alerts at the entrance of the facility and in strategic areas (e.g., waiting areas or elevators) about respiratory hygiene, cough etiquette, social distancing and disposal of contaminated items in trash cans.
- Install glass or plastic barrier at the reception desk, preferably with a two-way speaker system. Ensure availability of sufficient three-layer masks and sanitisers and paper tissue at the registration desk, as well as nearby hand hygiene stations.
- Distant waiting chairs, preferably a meter apart. All areas to be free of all fomite such as magazines, toys, TV remotes or similar articles. Cashless/contactless payment methods are preferred. A bin with lid should be available at triage where patients can discard used paper tissues.
Environment and Surface Disinfection-
Floors: Cleaning Procedure (Detergent and freshly prepared 1% sodium hypochlorite with a contact time of 10 minutes. Mop the floor starting at the far corner of the room and work towards the door.
Frequency: after any patient/ major splash or two hourly. Rest of the surfaces:Freshly prepared 1% sodium hypochlorite (Contact Time: 10 minutes). Damp dusting should be done in straight lines that overlap one another. Frequency: before starting daily work, after every procedure and after finishing daily work. 8 Delicate Electronic equipment Should be wiped with alcohol-based rub/spirit (60-90% alcohol) swab before each patient contact.