what is right time for replace your toothbrush

what is right time for replace your toothbrush

How much time before you changed your toothbrush? We throw out expired medicine, expires food and replace our other body products often like beauty items, but when it comes to our dental hygiene that doesn’t get as much attention or thought as other areas of our regimen. However, there are important steps rules and tips you should follow for maintaining good dental health.

It is very General Question When To Change Your Toothbrush

Most of Indian dentists, recommend changing your toothbrush every 3 months. Because Overtime, toothbrushes become less effective with removing plaque from teeth and gums. This is very important to replace if you have a cold, or risk possible reinfection.

You have make sure that rinse off and dry your toothbrush thoroughly, storing uncovered in an upright position and keeping it away from other used toothbrushes.

When traveling, be sure to cover your toothbrush head with dust proof and reduce the spread of germs.

You have to change it, whether the bristles are worn out, fan out, or frayed, or especially if you see dark color changes, which is a sign of mold.

What Happens If I Don’t Change My Toothbrush Often Enough?

If knowing that bacteria and fungus accumulates on your toothbrush bristles overtime isn’t enough reason to replace your toothbrush more often, there are also a number of other risks and uninviting issues involved with not replacing your toothbrush.

One risk includes damaging your gums, as old toothbrushes become ineffective with removing plaque from your teeth, which leads to gingivitis. Left untreated, gingivitis leads to infection, which can cause teeth to fall out.

Even more unappealing, you can get sick from overused toothbrushes (see: bacteria and fungus build up), your toothbrush can grow mold, or possibly the least appealing, you can ingest unwanted particles if stored near a toilet.

I don’t know about you, but I’m going to go change my toothbrush right now and schedule a deep cleaning with my dentist.

What To Consider When Shopping for Dental Products

Ask your dentist during your next dental checkup and cleaning for recommendations about what you should be buying based off your individual needs, your particular dental health state, etc.

Consider investing in an electric toothbrush, as these have been proven to improve oral health beyond what a manual toothbrush can do by removing plaque, reducing gingivitis and eliminating teeth staining. They’ve also been shown to minimize the amount of plaque on the teeth of people with periodontal disease.

Do your research on what products fit your needs best, and don’t forget to ask your dentist for recommendations.